
The Fascinating Aspect of Sumi.

This week’s auction focuses entirely on the fascinating aspect of sumi. Although many are familiar with this term, it is worth emphasizing its importance once again.

In the koi world, sumi refers to the black pigmentation or black spots on the skin of koi carp. The term comes from Japanese, where sumi literally means “black.” Sumi plays a crucial role in the appreciation and evaluation of various koi varieties, especially types such as the Showa, Sanke, and Utsurimono.

The quality of sumi is judged on several aspects: the depth of the black, the sharpness of the edges, and the placement on the body of the koi. High-quality sumi is characterized by an intense deep black, with sharp and well-defined edges that do not fade. What makes sumi truly special is that it is dynamic and can develop or change over time, making a koi more visually interesting as it ages. This makes this auction an excellent opportunity to purchase young koi at an attractive price.

In contrast to previous auctions, where I always used a safe starting margin, I am taking a different approach this time. I am taking a risk by setting the starting price exceptionally low and keeping the bidding minimal. Although I fear that this will not be a rewarding auction and the motivation to bid may be lower, it remains exciting to wait and see how this will unfold. I hope I don't regret this later.

Schutterstraat 68
2370 Arendonk
+32 478 36 74 74


Start: 08/09/2024 06:00

End: 12/09/2024 start om 18:00 uur met interval van 3 min.